- 1
interface OpenObject is private
#63 opened by cinyearchan - 5
SyntaxError: The requested module '/@modules/vuedraggable/dist/vuedraggable.umd.js' does not provide an export named 'default'
#7 opened by hxgqh - 3
vue-draggable blocks child onclick events
#51 opened by dhallX - 0
- 3
Multi Drag
#10 opened by Xenoha - 1
How do I disable dragging conditionally?
#55 opened by miguelfondeur - 2
Duplicates during sorts
#60 opened by Brand3000 - 0
blocked the oprations on 'input' tag
#62 opened by ogios - 0
Unexpected mutation of "list" prop
#56 opened by AndreiSoroka - 1
Both v-model and :list are modified on drag&drop
#57 opened by LukMas - 1
Single-Axis Dragging
#59 opened by HacMan137 - 1
- 1
How to use sortablejs plugins
#33 opened by arkfancy - 2
Typescript definition files missing
#53 opened by lukasvan3l - 0
Dragging doesn't work with tr tags
#54 opened by fukata - 2
BUG:The first drag will, in any case, cause the dragged element to be placed in the first place.
#28 opened by 1014670860 - 2
[Vue warn]: (deprecation WATCH_ARRAY) "watch"
#30 opened by porkus1990 - 1
How do you use Vuex with a nested structure?
#43 opened by awulkan - 1
Can we use it on table to drag a tr?
#23 opened by kasraJannatiNgen - 1
support iframe?
#50 opened by jiawei5 - 1
Issues in Drag and Drop
#34 opened by MuthuSelviC - 1
save store vuex in onEnd method
#40 opened by maxdiable - 1
transition group no css effects
#48 opened by noprobz09 - 1
Does this package work with slot templating?
#49 opened by nengjian - 1
How to slow down item moving
#47 opened by IdBioAI - 0
Can the 'swap' method be added, as well as 'sort'
#46 opened by quilkin - 1
Get new List
#29 opened by superdiazzz - 0
Nested v-model send update events too quickly
#44 opened by Alviner - 0
- 0
Deep clone is not working
#41 opened by asadullakkh - 2
- 1
- 1
non draggable item
#37 opened by Kaynan13 - 1
How to allow dragging between different lists?
#38 opened by LeaVerou - 1
Consider adding a license
#32 opened by TheTeaCat - 3
- 1
click doesn't work
#27 opened by Effyt - 1
move function prop does'n work
#26 opened by dgf957492430 - 3
- 1
- 1
- 1
Grid display not working
#14 opened by huhehuhehu - 4
- 1
CDN example
#16 opened by SMen1 - 3
- 1
vue-router dependency only used for demo
#21 opened by Celant - 11
evt.draggedContext.futureIndex not updated when dragging item from one section to another
#12 opened by mfjonker - 1
- 1
Is it working for vue 2?
#6 opened by wahibAbdou - 1