
Scalafix Linting Rule to find default value substitution

Primary LanguageScala


Scalafix Linting Rule to find default value substitution

The problem

Java Wrapper class objects can be used interchangeably with Scala Values. The compiler is smart to automatically unbox them. However since Java Wrapper classes exists as objects, they can be null. In this case the compiler doesn't cry, at runtime, it takes default value of the Java Primitive type and substitutes that.

Consider a function object.getSomeLongField returns java.lang.Long And this is passed to another function which takes a scala value, def innocentCode(value: Long): Unit as innocentCode(object.getSomeLongField) then it compiles, and at runtime, the innocentCode gets a 0 when object.getSomeLongField returns null

This happens because of the following problem, where a null gets converted to a 0 without any error at runtime.

scala> null.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long].toLong
res0: Long = 0

This is a linting tool, which points out these converstions in code.


Add the following plugin to plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-scalafix" % "0.9.0")

Start sbt shell.

$ sbt

Enable Scalafix and run the rule as follows:

sbt> scalafixEnable
sbt> scalafix --rules=github:anish749/scala-lint-default-substitution/CheckJavaDefaultValueSubstitution