The Api can store Name,Contact,Address In Database.
It comes with build source code of docker Fully customizable
It can perform GET/POST/PUT/DELETE Operation
I is based on FastAPI
Installation is simple It si based on docker-compose so OneClick Implementation
!! NOTE : Your host network CIDR can Conflict with docker network so accordingly change the
- subnet in compose network
- ipv4 address of containers
For E.g (default in this example) , ,
The request and responce format is straight and consistent
# Post Request
You can make post request passing 3 Parameters
The responce body will be json like.
> E.g Request :*****&addr=nepal{ "success": true, "responce": { "id": 1 } }
# Get Request
You can make Get request passing ID as Parameter
The responce body will be json like.
> E.g Request :{ "success": true, "responce": { "name": "mike", "contact": "+977985******", "addr": "nepal" } }
# PUT Request
You can make PUT request passing parameter name and value to Update along with ID of user
The responce body will be json like.
E.g Request :{ "success": true, "responce": "Updated ID 1" }Again GET request gives
{ "success": true, "responce": { "name": "updated_name", "contact": "updated_number", "addr": "updated_address" } }
# Delete Request
You can make Delete request passing ID as Parameter which will delete the record with given ID
The responce body will be json like.
> E.g Request :{ "success": true, "responce": "Removed ID 1" }Again Get Request for deleted id
{ "success": false, "reason": "User Not found" }
It is based on Docker and Docker-compose Which comes with Persistent Volume No Data Loss
Check Installation
# Shell Commands
> docker -v
> docker-compose -v
Api Installation
> git clone url_
> cd dir
> docker-compose up -d
The default CIDR in Docker-compose Network is db is on and app is on So You can access your api now on using any api client eg. Browser, Insomnia