InstaDeck: A semi-dashboard interface of Instagram made with React and Firebase! Check it out here!
Instadeck is a semi-dashboard interface of Instagram made with React and Google Firebase! By providing different “decks” of posts from your personalized following post deck to the trending or popular deck, users of InstaDeck are given a comforting and appealing perspective for their Instagram feed. The mockups were designed by me in Figma.
InstaDeck could be called one of my first official project that I put a lot of time and commitment towards. It all started with a full-stack social media tutorial on Youtube and the impression of Instagram’s desktop version being not as appealing as it’s mobile version. Taking inspiration from Twitter’s dashboard app, TweetDeck, I decided to create and develop Instagram’s own dashboard app for its desktop version with InstaDeck!
With the desktop version of InstaDeck having limiting functions in comparison to the mobile version, I decided to develop those lacking functions into InstaDeck such as posting on your feed through your computer. I also introduced a new analylitcal feature seen only by the user where they can keep track of their most recent count of likes or followers. Another new feature that I added for InstaDeck was having different types of accounts for those who have a verified or business account on Instagram. Accounts are able to be classified as either an admin, moderator, or editor by the owner of the verified or business account. Finally, users are able to customize the feeds they want to view by having posts filtered for each feed such as your following feed or a popular feed consisting of trending posts. I also hope to include a feature that can show or hide your analytics (likes or followers count) to show awareness and assist users uncomfortable in showing theirs.
As my first big project that took months to develop, I had fun creating InstaDeck from designing its prototype on Figma to developing the application with React and organizing its database on Google Firebase!