home.html has the basic information about the Pinnachio's Pizza Menu.html,subs.html,pizza.html: contails all the list of all the menu items
Mycart.html Lists all the orders placed by particular user(customer) Myorder.html:Lists all the orders placed by all users for the admin sake
I have used Brain Tree API to complete the checkout process
I have also utilised the Django’s built-in users and authentication system to simplify the process of logging users in and out.
Menu: All of the available menu items for Pinnochio’s Pizza & Subs
Adding Items: successfully added
Registration, Login, Logout: Site users (customers) should be able to register for your web application with a username, password, first name, last name, and email address. Customers should then be able to log in and log out of your website.
Shopping Cart: Once logged in, users should see a representation of the restaurant’s menu, where they can add items (along with toppings or extras, if appropriate) to their virtual “shopping cart.” The contents of the shopping should be saved even if a user closes the window, or logs out and logs back in again.
Placing an Order:Feature is enabled
Viewing Orders: Site administrators should have access to a page where they can view any orders that have already been placed.
Personal Touch: Integrating with the Stripe API to allow users to actually use a credit card to make a purchase during checkout.