File Format: There are 2 files: <name>.meta - This stores the table metadata for the database <name>.db - This stores the row information for the database Each row is has a pack/unpack function for serialization. They are self contained, and support generics. The structs are written to memory first before being written to the disk. Table Struct Packing: table size|name|field types|address of first row Row Struct Packing: row size|field types|fields Strings are contained both ways, with preceeding sizes and a null terminator. Requirements: CMake (version 3.13 or above), GCC Running: Create a directory `build/` inside the root folder and `cd` into it. Run `cmake ..` followed by `make`. A few demo SQL queries are present in test_sql.sql NOTES: I'm sorry this code isn't well commented. I spent a lot of time working with it and still had to finish a big part of it on Sunday. However, I am glad the database works as I wanted to and has a lot of error checking, especially in the SQL syntax. Check out the lexer and parser for some LL(1) fun.