
Hands on Web Scraping with Python

Primary LanguagePython


Hands-On Web Scraping with Python

Scrape websites and build a powerful web crawler using Python libraries such as Scrapy, Beautiful Soup, pyquery,and other popular tools like Selenium.

Section 1: Introduction to Web Scraping

Chapter 1: Web Scraping Fundamentals

Section 2: Beginning Web Scraping

Chapter 2: Python and the Web; Using urllib and Requests

Chapter 3: Using LXML, XPath and CSS Selectors

Chapter 4: Scraping Using pyquery, a Python Library

Chapter 5: Web Scraping using Scrapy and Beautiful Soup

Section 3: Advanced Concepts

Chapter 6: Working with Secure Web

Chapter 7: Data Extraction Using Web-Based APIs

Chapter 8: Using Selenium to Scrape Web

Chapter 9: Using Regex to Extract Data

Chapter 10: Next Steps