
This repository documents an approach to neural-guided population initialisation for genetic programming (symbolic regression) through the Deep Q-Networks algorithm.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Genetic Programming Population Initialisation w/ DQN

This repository documents an approach to neural-guided population initialisation for genetic programming (symbolic regression) through the Deep Q-Networks algorithm. This involves chaining up two Markov decision processes to optimise policy networks of the first one based on the reward signal accumulated in the second. In this case, the second environment is the OpenAI Gym Lunar Lander Env. A detailed description of the methodology is available here.

This implementation was one of several approaches aimed at studying the integration of Reinforcement Learning and Genetic Programming as part of CS4205 Evolutionary Algorithms at TU Delft. The main repository with all other approaches can be found here. This repository was originally forked from this GP implementation.


Since this project requires older versions of some packages, it is recommended to install them in a virtual environment. You could either create a native python venv using the requirement.txt file in this repo (untested) or create a conda environment with the provided environment.yml file (tested). To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Assuming you have conda installed. Download the environment.yml file
  2. The older versions of some packages are not available on the common conda channels. Moreover, different systems/hardware usually need different torch variants. These will be installed via pip in the next step. For now, run conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. Activate the new env using conda activate EA_env and install the pending packages.
  4. pip install pygame=2.1.0 | pip install pyglet==1.5.21
  5. Find out the correct torch version for your system and GPU variant (cuda version). Install it from the Torch Website
  6. Install git via conda install -c anaconda git and clone this repo. Enable the python kernel for this environment python -m ipykernel install --user --name=python3 and start the notebook via jupyter notebook
  7. You can now start playing around with our solution 1

Model Training & Inference

The directory symbolic_dqn holds all scripts relevant to neural guided population initialisation using DQN. The two scripts of interest are main.py and inference.py. Run main.py to train the model to learn a policy that can generate symbolic regression multitrees. Similarly run inference.py to use the saved policy to generate a population of multitrees. The config file GP_symbolic_DQN_config.ini within the symbolic_dqn directory holds the hyperparameters relevant to training, inference, and subsequent integration with the GP code within solution.ipynb. The script actions.py holds the operator instances. The operator set can be modified by modifying the node_indices, node_instances, and node_vectors dictionaries within actions.py.

We have already set up some trained models in this repository. The GP code within solution.ipynb loads the population generated from this policy to further evolve trees. Be sure to specify parameters such as pop_size or max_gens through the GP_symbolic_DQN_config.ini config file.


  1. The gif was created using PrettyPrintTrees