
Built N-gram language models for two different different text corpus. Applied smoothing techniques, namely, Kneser Ney and Witten Bell. Calculated perplexity scores for each sentence of both the corpus for each of the models and also calculated average perplexity score on the train corpus. Compared and analyzed the behaviour of the different LMs.

Primary LanguagePython

Introduction to NLP - Assignment 1


Anishka Sachdeva (2018101112)
1st February, 2021

Steps to execute the code

python3 language_model.py <smoothing_type> <path_corpus>

smoothing_type = k for Kneser Ney Smoothing and
smoothing_type = w for Witten Bell Smoothing

Files generated

Perplexity is calculated in the following:

  1. The corpus is divided into test set and training set using random.shuffle.
  2. Then the language model is created on training test.
  3. Then each sentence in the test set is evaluated.
  4. Probability of each sentence is calculated by the two smoothing methods.
  5. Then each probability is written in the file along with the "tokenized sentence".
  6. At last the average perplexity score is put in the file.
  7. Perplexity is calculated using the following formula :
    1. float(1)/float(math.exp(float(probability)/float(n)))
    2. Here probability = probablity of each sentence in the test set.
      1. Probability of each sentence = exp(math.log(p1) + math.log(p2) + math.log(p3) + .... + math.log(pN))
    3. Here n = length(sentence) - 3