DevBops CICD Pipeline

How to build CI/CD Pipeline for DevBops Microserices


Step 1: Spin up an EC2 on the Public Subnet

DevBops is currently live on our production VPC. For our CI/CD pipeline, we are going to create an EC2 in the production server's public subnet to run a Jenkins server. Although it is not a best practice to test the pipeline in a production environment, doing this exercise will allow us to better see how other AWS components are connected to our overall infrastructure. Jenkins server is built in our public subnet to give the EC2 access to the internet, where we can later access to the user interface on port 8080 and configure a pipeline.

How to Spin up a Public EC2

On the EC2 Dashboard, click on Launch Instance

  1. Choose Free Tier Amazon Linux 2 AMI 64-bit(x86)

  2. Click on t2.micro Free Tier instance type

  3. Leave most of the configurations the way it is besides these below:

    • Network: DevBops_Production_VPC
    • Subnet: DevBops-Prod-Public-1
    • Auto-assign Public IP: Enable
      • We will need a public IP address for Jenkins and to ssh
    • *We are not going to add user data so leave it black and click on Add Storage
  4. The root volume will be 8GiB so do not make any changes, click next on Add Tag

  5. Since we are all sharing this AWS account, tag this EC2 with your name as below

    • Key: Name
    • Value: YourName_Jenkins_Public
  6. Let's create a new security group specific to your settings for practice

    • Security group name: YourName_Jenkins_SG_Public

    • Description: YourName_Jenkins_SG

      • You will need two inbound rules
      • Type: SSH Protocol: TCP Port Range: 22 Source: My IP Description: SSH from my computer

        This rule allows us to ssh into the EC2's terminal

      • Type: Custom TCP Rule Protocol: TCP Port Range: 8080 Source: Custom [,::/0] Description: Jenkins UI on Browser

        This rule allows anyone on the internet to access Jenkins UI on port 8080 of our IP address

      • Finally, click on Review and Launch
  7. After reviewing the instance launch, choose the devbops_masterkey key pair

  • I acknowledge that I have access to the private key file (devbops_masterkey.pem), and that without this file, I won't be able to log into my instance
  • Click on the box and then launch the instance

Step 2: Spin up an EC2 on the Private Subnet

Bevbops' backend runs in the private subnet and we will practice running all three microservice containers in one EC2. Although it will cause a single point of failure, we are going to practice running multilpe containers in different ports in one EC2.

How to Spin up a Private EC2

On the EC2 Dashboard, click on Launch Instance

  1. Choose Free Tier Amazon Linux 2 AMI 64-bit(x86)

  2. Click on t2.micro Free Tier instance type

  3. Again, leave most of the configurations the way it is besides these below:

    • Network: DevBops_Production_VPC
    • Subnet: DevBops-Prod-Private-1
    • Auto-assign Public IP: Use subnet setting (Disable)
      • Our private EC2 will use the NAT gateway to access the internet so it will not need its unique public ip
    • *We are not going to add user data so leave it black and click on Add Storage
  4. The root volume will be 8GiB so do not make any changes, click next on Add Tag

  5. Since we are all sharing this AWS account, tag this EC2 with your name as below

    • Key: Name
    • Value: YourName_Jenkins_Private
  6. Create a new security group for the private EC2

    • Security group name: YourName_Jenkins_SG_Private

    • Description: YourName_Jenkins_SG_Private

      • You will need three inbound rules
      • Type: SSH Protocol: TCP Port Range: 22 Source: Description: SSH from jumpbox

        This rule allows us to first ssh into the jumpbox EC2 and then ssh into the private EC2

      • Type: SSH Protocol: TCP Port Range: 22 Source: YourName_Jenkins_SG Description: SSH from Jenkins server

        Choose the source to the security group you just made for Jenkin's public EC2 so it has the SSH access ***If this method does not work, add another SSH rule with private IP address of your public EC2 as source ***

      • Finally, click on Review and Launch
  7. After reviewing the instance launch, once again choose the devbops_masterkey key pair

  • I acknowledge that I have access to the private key file (devbops_masterkey.pem), and that without this file, I won't be able to log into my instance
  • Click on the box and then launch the instance

Step 3: SSH into Jenkins Server and Configure

We will now ssh into our Jenkins server and install all of the packages required to run Jenkins, use git and build Docker images

  • On your local terminal, cd into the directory that has the devbops masterkey
  • Once you're there, ssh into your Jenkins server using this command:

    ssh -i "devbops_masterkey.pem" ec2-user@{Jenkins'_Public_IP_Address}

  • If you're successful, follow these steps/tutorials for each installations:
    1. Install Jenkins
    2. Install Docker
    3. Install Git
  • Once Jenkins is set up and running, on your browser, access your the server in port 8080

ex. {ip_address}:8080 Make sure all of the recommended Jenkins plugins are installed

Step 4: Create a Pipeline on Jenkins

Sign in to your Jenkins account and create a new pipeline by clicking on New Item on the left tab Let's begin with our user microservice

  1. Enter *DevBops_User_Pipeline for item name and then click on Pipeline
  2. Let's leave all of the boxes in General tab blank and move on to Build Triggers
    • Click on GitHub hook for enabling webhook
    • GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
  3. On your GitHub repo, go to the settings and add a Webhook
    • Payload URL will be: http://{Jenkins_Ip}:8080/github-webhook/
    • Content type: application/json
    • Secret: Leave it blank
    • Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?: Send me everything
    • Active
    • Add Webhook
  4. Watch this video tutorial to follow the rest of the steps here