
Custom entity row for HomeAssistant, providing additional types of data to be displayed in the secondary info area of the Lovelace Entities card

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Custom entity row for Home Assistant, providing additional types of data to be displayed in the secondary info sections of the Lovelace Entities card.


  • Home Assistant >= 0.88 (last tested against 0.104.3)
  • Thomas Lovén’s card-tools.js >= 2.0 (tested against 2.0, 49f34cd)

Installation Instructions

1) Install the latest Card Tools via HACS

Card-tools is available as a plugin in the default community store

2) Install Secondary Info Entity Row

Use HACS or follow this guide

  url: /local/secondaryinfo-entity-row.js
  type: module


The standard Lovelace configuration for entities remains valid, with the exception of secondary_info.

secondary_info should be a string value, enclosed in double-quotes, which supports the parseTemplate syntax defined in card-tools.js. Per the documentation:

Two things are important:

- Template must start with [[<space> and end with <space>]]
- This is not in any way the same kind of template as used in the Home Assistant configuration

The templates are parsed by reading one step at a time from the `hass.states` object.
Thus, the first part must be an entity with domain and id, e.g. `light.bed_light`, `media_player.bedroom` etc.
Next is one of:

- entity_id
- state
- attributes.<attribute>
- last_changed
- last_updated

Also see details of the new conditional syntax at useful-markdown-card:


Syntax: [[ if(<condition>, <then>, <else>) ]] Simply put, if <condition> is satisfied, the template will be replaced with <then>, otherwise it will be replaced with <else>.

Both <then> and <else> can in turn be <template> expressions, and <else> can even be another if(!).

Conditions are in the form <left> <comparison> <right> where <left> and <right> are <template>, strings or numeric values.

<comparison> is one of ==, !=, <, >, <= or >=.


type: entities
title: Custom Secondary Info
- entity: sun.sun
  name: Entity ID with wrapped in tag
  type: "custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row"
  secondary_info: "<b style='color:red'>[[ sun.sun.entity_id ]]</b>"
- entity: sun.sun
  name: Absolute time for last-changed
  type: "custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row"
  secondary_info: "[[ sun.sun.last_changed ]]"
- entity: sun.sun
  name: Static text
  type: "custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row"
  secondary_info: "This is the entity row for the Sun"

- entity: sun.sun
  name: Entity attribute
  type: "custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row"
  secondary_info: "Next Dawn: [[ sun.sun.attributes.next_dawn ]]"
- entity: sun.sun
  name: Templated entity object
  type: "custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row"
  secondary_info:  "Next Dawn: [[ {entity}.attributes.next_dawn ]]"
- entity: sun.sun
  name: Conditional template
  type: "custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row"
  secondary_info: '[[ if(sun.sun.attributes.elevation < 0, "Below", "Above") ]] the horizon'




  • Compatible with latest card-tools
  • Updated README with HACS install info


  • Replaced deprecated card-tools functions
  • Added example image to GitHub


  • The configured entity object can now be referenced as {entity} inside a template. This enables compatibility with dynamic entity list generators such as auto-entities.
  • Requires card-tools 0.4, which introduces conditional statements in the template. See useful-markdown-card.
  • Examples updated


  • Compatibility with Home Assistant 0.88


  • Add custom_cards.json for custom_updater integration


  • New release based on card-tools