
preparation for EX447 exam

Primary LanguageDockerfile


preparation for EX447 exam
The purpose is to test the different objectives covered by DO447 preparing for EX447

To use this project, please follow below steps:

  • install ansible ( the code was developped using ansible 2.9 )
  • install docker and docker-compose in your environment
  • run the command in Dockerfile to create the customized image
  • run the command in docker-compose.yml file to startup client instances
  • run the command in each playbook to test the playbook

Chapter 2:

Managing inventories

ungrouped: a generic group for hosts without groups in yml inventories
Useful commands:

ansible-inventory -i inventory --list
ansible-inventory --yaml -i inventory --list > converted_inventory.yml
ansible all -i converted_inventory.yml -m ping

Create group_vars & host_vars folders, subfolders for groups
Special inventory vars: ansible_connection, ansible_host, ansible_port, ansible_user, ansible_become_user, ansible_python_interpreter

Chapter 3:

become, become_user, become_method
import_role, include_role
notify, listen
tags, skip-tags, tagged, untagged
never, always
gather_facts, forks,
SSH: ControlMaster, ControlPersist, Pipelining
Callbacks: timer, profile_tasks, profile_roles, cgroup_perf_recap

ansible-doc -lt callback
ansible-doc -t cgroup_perf_recap
sudo cgcreate -a aniskhach:aniskhach -t aniskhach:aniskhach -g cpuacct,memory,pids:ansible_profile
cgexec -g cpuacct,memory,pids:ansible_profile ansible-playbook playbook.yml

Chapter 4:


  • generic: (int, string, bool, list, ...), mandatory, default, default(omit)
  • maths: pow, log, root, abs, ...
  • lists: max, min, sum, first, last, length, random, reverse, sort, unique, flatten, uninion, difference, intersect, select, ...
  • dictionary: combine, dict2items, items2dict
  • strings: lower, upper, capitalize, b64encode, b64decode, quote
  • hash: hash, password_hash
  • replace, regex_search, regex_replace
  • json_query ( apt install python3-jmespath ), to_json, to_yaml, to_nice_json, to_nice_yaml


ansible-doc -lt lookup
ansible-doc -t lookup file

lookup and query: file, template, pipe, lines, env, url, k8s, password, dig ( pip install dnspython ), list ...

advanced loops:

loop instead of with_* , flatten, dict2items, fileglob, subelements

IP addr processing:

lookup: ipaddr ( ipv4, ipv6, public, private, subnet, ...), dig, dnstxt

Chapter 5:

delegating tasks: delegate_to, hostvars (hostvars['serverb']['ansible_facts']['default_ipv4']['address'])
rolling updates: serial, max_fail_percentage, ansible_play_hosts, ansible_play_batch, run_once

Chapter 6:

Installing Tower

awx-manage changepassword admin

Chapter 7:

Managing Users, Teams

General roles (Organization): Project Admin, Inventory Admin, Credential Admin, Notification Admin, Workflow Admin, Job Template Admin, Member, Read, Execute
User roles: System Administrator, System Auditor, Normal User
Teams roles: Admin, Member, Read

tower-cli role grant --user 'sam' --target-team 'Operators' --type 'admin'

Chapter 8:

Managing inventories

Inventories roles: Admin, Use, Ad Hoc, Update, Read
import an inventory from cli:

awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name=myapp-inv --source=inventory.yml

Credentials: Machine, Source Control, Network, Vault, dynamic inventories (AWS, vcenter, ...), ...
Credential roles: Admin, Use, Read

Chapter 9:

Projects and Job templates

Project roles: Admin, Use, Update, Read
Job Template roles: Admin, Execute, Read

Chapter 10:

Advanced Job Workflows

Fact cache ( gather_facts: false)
Prompt on launch for variables
Job Template Surveys for extra variables
Workflow Job Templates, WORKFLOW VISUALIZER
Workflow Job Template roles: Admin, Execute, Read, Approve

Chapter 11:


curl -X GET https://tower-url/api/ -k
curl -X GET --user admin:password https://tower-url/api/v2/instances/ | json_pp
curl -X GET --user admin:password http://localhost/api/v2/job_templates/15/ -k -s | json_pp
curl -X POST --user admin:password http://localhost/api/v2/job_templates/15/launch/ -k -s | json_pp
curl -X GET "http://localhost/api/v2/users/"  --user admin --oauth2-bearer xdWkzTZLJoQCVHpH -k -s | json_pp

Create an oauth2 token:

awx-manage create_oauth2_token --user admin

Chapter 12:


update inventory from CLI:

awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name=myapp-inv --source=inventory.yml --override

Inventories from SCM, through projects ( Sourced from a Project )
Smart Inventories: use filters ( like ansible_facts.ansible_distribution:"RedHat" )

Chapter 14:

Backup & restore

./setup.sh -b
./setup.sh -r