
Retrieve WorldClim climate and other information for lat-lon grid cells

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Retrieve WorldClim climate and other information for lat-lon grid cells

Travis Coverage PyPI Package latest release Latest github release Supported versions Supported implementations

This repository contains utility functions to retrieve information for given latitudes and longitude.


We strongly recommend to use conda for the installation. First, install the necessary dependencies, namely netCDF4, shapely and pandas:

conda install netcdf4 shapely pandas

To enable the download of the WorldClim data, you will also need rasterio, rioxarray_ and xarray (you can skip this if you already downloaded the data) via:

conda install rasterio xarray rioxarray

or from the source directory via:

pip install .


So far, the package has two functions: the get_climate and get_country function. Use these like

Get the country for 50 degrees north and 10 degrees east:

>>> from latlon_utils import get_country

>>> get_country(50, 10)

Get the climate for 50 degrees north and 10 degrees east:

>>> from latlon_utils import get_climate

# limit the number of columns printed by pandas
>>> import pandas; pandas.options.display.max_columns = 5

>>> get_climate(50, 10)
tavg  jan     0.044739
      feb     0.974976
      mar     4.705505
      apr     8.232239
      mai    13.150024
      jun    16.012268
      jul    17.958984
      aug    17.828735
      sep    13.779480
      oct     8.787476
      nov     4.039001
      dec     1.430237
      djf     0.816650
      mam     8.695923
      jja    17.266663
      son     8.868652
      ann     8.911972
prec  jan    48.000000
      feb    42.000000
      mar    44.000000
      apr    44.000000
      mai    56.000000
      jun    68.000000
      jul    65.000000
      aug    52.000000
      sep    47.000000
      oct    52.000000
      nov    52.000000
      dec    59.000000
      djf    49.666667
      mam    48.000000
      jja    61.666667
      son    50.333333
      ann    52.416667
Name: (50, 10), dtype: float64

>>> get_climate(50, 10)['tavg', 'djf']

>>> get_climate([10, 11], [50, 51])
            tavg             ...       prec
             jan        feb  ...        son       ann
lat lon                        ...
10  50   21.810730  22.687988  ...  10.666667  6.833333
11  51   24.617249  24.678040  ...   7.666667  3.750000
[2 rows x 34 columns]

Data download

This package is built upon freely available datasets but does not contain any data. This data is downloaded on request (see the next section). In particular, the get_climate method uses the data from [WorldClim2.1], the get_country function uses the datasets/geo-countries repository.

Download directory

To download and process the necessary datasets, run:

python -m latlon_utils.download

(see python -m latlon_utils.download --help for available options).

We download the GeoTIFF files from WorldClim and transform them to netCDF datasets. The default directory to store the data is in $HOME/.local/share/latlon_utils, where $HOME stands for the users home directory. If you want to use a different directory, set the LATLONDATA variable, e.g.:

export LATLONDATA=$HOME/my_data
python download.py $LATLONDATA

The LATLONDATA environment variable is necessary to ensure that the python package finds the data later again.

WorldClim resolutions

The default resolution that we use is 10m. However, you can also specify other resolutions in the python functions or via the LATLONRES environment variable. To use, for example the 5 minutes resolutions, simply run:

export LATLONRES='5m'


[WorldClim2.1]Fick, S.E. and R.J. Hijmans, 2017. Worldclim 2: New 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas. International Journal of Climatology. http://worldclim.org/