jsdoc documentation

[Remember that I have already shown you how to use Prettier, ESLint]

  • Reference:

  • what is jsdoc?

    • It is an API documentation generator for JavaScript.

How to setup jsdoc generator in a project

  • step 1: initialize npm: npm init -y

  • step 2: install jsdoc: npm install -g jsdoc or npm install -D jsdoc

  • step 4: add the following line of code in package.json

        "scripts" : {
          "jsdoc" : "jsdoc -c jsdoc.json"
          // others
  • step 5: In the root of the project create jsdoc.json file and add the following codes

      "plugins": ["plugins/markdown"],
      "recurseDepth": 10,
      "source": {
        "include": ["src"],
        "includePattern": ".js$",
        "excludePattern": "(node_modules/|docs)"
      "templates": {
        "cleverLinks": true,
        "monospaceLinks": true
      "opts": {
        "destination": "./jsdoc",
        "recurse": true,
        "readme": "./readme.md"
  • step 6: Running JSDoc: npm run jsdoc

  • step 7: a jsdoc folder will be create from where you can find index.html and open it to any browser to navigate the generated documentation

jsdoc tutorial

  • for better type check just like typescript you can add following in your vscode settings.json

      "js/ts.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": true
  • jadoc documentation

    // variable documentation syntax
     * description
     * @type {typeName}
    // variable documentation examples
     * user's fullName
     * @type {string}
    const fullName = "Anisul Islam";
     * Array of users
     * @type {Array}
    const users1 = ["Anisul Islam", "Robert", "David"];
     * Array of users age
     * @type {Array<number>}
    const users2 = [24, 32, 18];
     * user details
     * @type {{name: string|number, age: number}}
    const user = {
      name: "david",
      age: 32,
     * user details
     * @type {Array<{name: string, age: number}>}
    const users = [
        name: "david",
        age: 32,
        name: "robert",
        age: 31,
    // function documentation syntax
     * description goes here
     * @param {typeName} paramName  parameter description
     * @returns {typeName} description
    // function documentation example
    // In the following example {*} refers to any type; we can also specify the type by saying name of the type
     * calulates the area of nothing
     * @returns {string} a simple text
    function areaOfNothing() {
      return "area of nothing";
     * calulates the area of triangle
     * @param {*} dim1 the base of the triangle
     * @param {*} dim2 the height of the triangle
     * @returns {number} area of triangle
    function areaOfTriangle(dim1, dim2) {
      return 0.5 * dim1 * dim2;
     * calulates the area of rectangle
     * @param {*} dim1 the length of the rectangle
     * @param {*} dim2 the width of the rectangle
     * @returns {number} area of rectangle
    function areaOfRectangle(dim1, dim2) {
      return dim1 * dim2;
     * calulates the area of circle
     * @param {*} dim1 the radius of the circle
     * @returns {number} area of cricle
    function areaOfcirCle(dim1) {
      return Math.PI * dim1 * dim1;
    // exporting a file
     * description
     * @module fileName
       * find sum of 2 numbers
      * @param {number} num1  first number
      * @param {number} num2  second number
      * @returns {number} sum of 2 numbers
     export.sum = (num1, num2) {
        return num1 + num2;
      // now import from other files
     const {sum} = require('./fileName')