jsdoc documentation
[Remember that I have already shown you how to use Prettier, ESLint]
what is jsdoc?
- It is an API documentation generator for JavaScript.
How to setup jsdoc generator in a project
step 1: initialize npm:
npm init -y
step 2: install jsdoc:
npm install -g jsdoc
ornpm install -D jsdoc
step 4: add the following line of code in package.json
"scripts" : { "jsdoc" : "jsdoc -c jsdoc.json" // others }
step 5: In the root of the project create jsdoc.json file and add the following codes
{ "plugins": ["plugins/markdown"], "recurseDepth": 10, "source": { "include": ["src"], "includePattern": ".js$", "excludePattern": "(node_modules/|docs)" }, "templates": { "cleverLinks": true, "monospaceLinks": true }, "opts": { "destination": "./jsdoc", "recurse": true, "readme": "./readme.md" } }
step 6: Running JSDoc:
npm run jsdoc
step 7: a jsdoc folder will be create from where you can find index.html and open it to any browser to navigate the generated documentation
jsdoc tutorial
for better type check just like typescript you can add following in your vscode settings.json
{ "js/ts.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": true }
jadoc documentation
// variable documentation syntax /** * description * @type {typeName} */ // variable documentation examples /** * user's fullName * @type {string} */ const fullName = "Anisul Islam"; /** * Array of users * @type {Array} */ const users1 = ["Anisul Islam", "Robert", "David"]; /** * Array of users age * @type {Array<number>} */ const users2 = [24, 32, 18]; /** * user details * @type {{name: string|number, age: number}} */ const user = { name: "david", age: 32, }; /** * user details * @type {Array<{name: string, age: number}>} */ const users = [ { name: "david", age: 32, }, { name: "robert", age: 31, }, ]; // function documentation syntax /** * description goes here * @param {typeName} paramName parameter description * @returns {typeName} description */ // function documentation example // In the following example {*} refers to any type; we can also specify the type by saying name of the type /** * calulates the area of nothing * @returns {string} a simple text */ function areaOfNothing() { return "area of nothing"; } /** * calulates the area of triangle * @param {*} dim1 the base of the triangle * @param {*} dim2 the height of the triangle * @returns {number} area of triangle */ function areaOfTriangle(dim1, dim2) { return 0.5 * dim1 * dim2; } /** * calulates the area of rectangle * @param {*} dim1 the length of the rectangle * @param {*} dim2 the width of the rectangle * @returns {number} area of rectangle */ function areaOfRectangle(dim1, dim2) { return dim1 * dim2; } /** * calulates the area of circle * @param {*} dim1 the radius of the circle * @returns {number} area of cricle */ function areaOfcirCle(dim1) { return Math.PI * dim1 * dim1; } // exporting a file /** * description * @module fileName */ /** * find sum of 2 numbers * @param {number} num1 first number * @param {number} num2 second number * @returns {number} sum of 2 numbers */ export.sum = (num1, num2) { return num1 + num2; } // now import from other files const {sum} = require('./fileName')