React assigment - 3 : Create new Resource

Total points = 5

Purpose of this assignment : Testing students skills on

  • useState() hook
  • Controlled component
  • state lifting

Assignment steps:

  • part 1: Things you have to do in NewTodo component
    • Store all the user inputs inside todo state and use the handleChange function for handling the onChange events for all the input fields (point: 1)
    • handle the form submission in a way that the new todo data is passed to App.js Component (point: 1)
    • Please reset the form data after submitting the form (point: 1)
  • part 2: Things you have to do in App.js component
    • update the todos state with the newTodo data from NewTodo component (point: 2)
  • finally check the project demo and try to match your one as much as possible

[Assignment was created with ♥ by anisul islam ©Anisul Islam]