⚠ Disclaimer ⚠

This app is currently out of service. Heroku changed to a payment only platform and got rid of all free dynos. Sorry for the inconveniences.

Codewars Stat Badge/Card (WiP)

This is not the original Codewars Badge, just a redesign I made for fun.

### Good to know 1. ⚠ This app is deployed on Heroku and it has a limit of 50 concurrent conections so, If you like it please 🙏 clone the repo and deploy it on your favourite platform.

2. Heroku + ☕. This app is kaffeinated. It pings every 30 minutes to keep the dyno awake. Due to Heroku's policies for free dynos to sleep for 6 hours a day, I've set mine to fall asleep😴 from 1:00am to 7:00am GMT.

3. In this 6 hour span the app will take around 7 seconds to start.

4. Because of the aggressive cache of github camo images I've set the headers to no-store, this prevents github from cahcing the image but it also prevents the image from showing when Heroku's dyno are asleep, to fix this just refresh the page. (If you know a solution to this please let me know)


The URL has to contain the following queries to function properly:

  • username=[your codewars username]
  • card or badge (without value, just the key)
  • colormode=[dark_mode or bright_mode]


  • Default mode


  • bright_mode


  • name_only

    https://github-readme-codewars-stats.herokuapp.com/api/?username=[your username]&badge&name_only

  • alias_only (combined with bright_mode)


  • Card


Customize your badge/card

https://github-readme-codewars-stats.herokuapp.com/api/?username=vanhaaggen&[badge or card]&customcolor=[query-string] The query options are:

  • bg (background)
  • fg (foreground)
  • text
  • secText (secondary text)
  • stroke (only in badge)
  • logo

The query string is formated the following way: customcolor=bg:[HEX code without #]

To join different options use underscore _: customcolor=bg:[HEX code without #]_fg:[HEX code]_text:[HEX code]

Example Badge


Example Card


Any suggestions or contributions are very welcome 😊

  • For suggestions please open a new Issue
  • For contributions Pull-request

things to do:

  • Choose to display username. Default is both name and username.

  • If name return null, display username in big.

  • Make colors customizable.

  • Create codewars stat Card with more user info.

  • Make a button to automate the deployement on diferent platforms. ...