Year Emotion Summarization App

image This web app helps to represent each month's highlights into five broad emotion category sentiments and creates a simple summary visualization. The emotions are

  • Euphoria: 'Euphoria' captures feelings of extreme joy, bliss, and ecstasy. This term encompasses the highest peaks of positive human emotion, where experiences are intensely pleasurable and overwhelmingly positive.
  • Contentment: 'Contentment' is a suitable term as it covers feelings of happiness, satisfaction, and pleasure that are less intense but still distinctly positive. It's the emotion of being pleased with your situation and generally feeling good about life.
  • Equanimity: 'Equanimity' is an apt description. It signifies a state of calmness, balance, and emotional stability. In this state, a person experiences neither strong positive nor negative emotions but rather a sense of peaceful detachment or indifference.
  • Discomfort: 'Discomfort' is a fitting term as it includes feelings like mild sadness, frustration, and worry. These are emotions that cause some degree of unease or dissatisfaction but are not overwhelmingly intense.
  • Distress: 'Distress' captures deep feelings of despair, rage, severe grief, and intense fear. These are powerful emotions that significantly impact a person's well-being and are often experienced in response to serious adversities or trauma.

All these emotions are visualized into a line chart as a summary for the year.

You can find the link to the app here

Video of the app

video API used already deleted ;)