
ocp: oc get pods | grep -v Completed ocpw: oc get pods -w | grep -v Completed oced 'string': oc edit deployment (deployment name containing 'string') ocl 'string': oc logs (pod name containing 'string') oclf 'string': oc logs (pod name containing 'string') -f ocr 'string' oc rsh (pod name containing 'string') ocdp 'string' oc describe pod (pod name containing string') ocproj 'string' oc project (project name containing 'string')

Any command that locates a pod name will have the full pod name stored as $p for future use Example: ocl asd will pull search for a pod name containing asd like zxcasdqwe. The command will then be oc logs zxcasdqwewith the namezxcasdqwestored as $p. This allows for fast follow on commands likeoc delete pod $p`


export HISTSIZE=10000 export HISTFILESIZE=10000

alias ocpw='oc get pods -w | grep -v "Completed"'

function ocp { cmd='oc get pods | grep -v Completed'; echo $cmd; eval $cmd; } export -f ocp


function finddeploymentnames { d="$(oc get deployment | awk '/'$1'/ {print $1}')"; t="$(echo $d | gawk 'match($0, /(.)-.-.*/, a) {print a[1]}')";} export -f finddeploymentnames

function oced { finddeploymentnames $1; echo "oc edit deployment $d"; oc edit deployment $d; } export -f oced


function findauthpolicynames { ap="$(oc get AuthorizationPolicy | awk '/'$1'/ {print $1}')"; t="$(echo $ap | gawk 'match($0, /(.)-.-.*/, a) {print a[1]}')";} export -f findauthpolicynames

function oceap { findauthpolicynames $1; echo "oc edit AuthorizationPolicy $ap"; oc edit AuthorizationPolicy $ap; } export -f oceap


function findpodnames { p="$(ocp | awk '/'$1'/ {print $1}')"; t="$(echo $p | gawk 'match($0, /(.)-.-.*/, a) {print a[1]}')";} export -f findpodnames

function ocl { findpodnames $1; echo "oc logs $p"; oc logs $p --all-containers; } export -f ocl

function oclf { findpodnames $1; echo "oc logs $p -f"; oc logs $p -f; } export -f oclf

function ocr { findpodnames $1; echo "oc rsh $p"; oc rsh $p; } export -f ocr

function ocdp { findpodnames $1; echo "oc describe pod $p"; oc describe pod $p; } export -f ocdp


function findprojectnames { p="$(oc projects | awk '/'$1'/ {print $1}')"; t="$(echo $p | gawk 'match($0, /(.)-.-.*/, a) {print a[1]}')";} export -f findprojectnames

function ocproj { findprojectnames $1; echo "oc project $p"; oc project $p; } export -f ocproj