
private swapping

Primary LanguageSolidity

Use of Private Swapping "Private circuit commitment" is a feature of zkSNARKs, a cryptographic technique. It enables smart traders to sell successful trading models while keeping them secret. Data availability is addressed by implementing slashing at predetermined intervals. Public trades could lead to reverse engineering of models or unauthorized use without payment. This situation highlights the relevance of ZK Swap infrastructure, where the identity of traders is the only sensitive information. ZK Swap offers precise protocol control and is compatible with various decentralized finance (DeFi) components.

How it is achieved? Trading is the challenging aspect and requires splitting into two parts: Executing the trade using the balance from the asset node. Updating the tree with the trade outcome. Interfaces: Deposit: deposit(proof, commitment, amount) Trade: trade(proof, nullifier, trade_input_data) returns trade_id finalize(proof, nullifier, trade_id) withdraw(proof, nullifier, withdraw_data)