Create production-ready Development Platform for Kubernetes. It contains tools for:
- Monitoring, Alerting, Logging
- Ingress based adding of DNS entries and TLS Certificates
- Oauth based authentication
In detail - installed tools are:
- nginx Ingress Controller
- Prometheus (+ node-exporter), Grafana, Alert Manager, kube-state-metrics, etc.
- EFK Stack
- External DNS
- cert-manager
- oauth2-proxy
- keycloak
- argo Workflow, argo-events
Visit the KubePlatform component description for more insight.
- kustomize is needed for the installation
- A GKE Kubernetes Cluster with at least 3 instances of
worker nodes is required
The tutorial Getting Started on GKE is a step-by-step walkthrough for installing KubePlatform on GKE/GCP in 10 minutes.