
Extract individual files from .zip files over http without downloading the entire archive.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Extract individual files from .zip files over http without downloading the entire archive.


pip install unzip-http


unzip-http <url.zip> <filenames..>

Extract from a remote .zip at <url> to stdout.

If no filenames given, displays .zip contents (filenames and sizes).

Each filename can be a wildcard glob; all matching files are concatenated and sent to stdout in zipfile order.

Note: HTTP server must send Accept-Ranges: bytes and Content-Length in headers.

Python module unzip_http

import unzip_http

rzf = unzip_http.RemoteZipFile('https://example.com/foo.zip')
binfp = rzf.open('bar.bin')
txtfp = rzf.open_text('baz.txt')


unzip-http was written by Saul Pwanson and made available for use under the MIT License.