
npm license

The idea

This package allows you to easily add a theme switcher in your application. Depending on your needs, this can be done with just one line of code!


There are two ways to install this package:

  1. using it directly in the browser or
  2. installing it via npm

You decide! ;)


Add the following script before body's closing tag :

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/luizfilipezs/dark-theme-switcher@latest/js/dark-theme-switcher.js"></script>

2. npm

Inside your project, run:

npm i dark-theme-switcher



const { ThemeSwitcher, ThemeSwitcherGenerator } = require('dark-theme-switcher');


import { ThemeSwitcher, ThemeSwitcherGenerator } from 'dark-theme-switcher';



If you want to enable any element to be the toggler, use ThemeSwitcher.

Its constructor has three parameters:

  • toggler: HTMLElement
    • Element that alternates the theme every time the user clicks on it
  • callbackFunction?: (isDark: boolean) => void
    • Optional function that runs every time the theme is changed. The parameter isDark is a boolean that indicates if the current theme is dark
  • options?: SwitcherOptions
    • Optional object with parameters for styling the animation

Simple usage

// Target element
const toggler = document.getElementById('button');
// Switcher
new ThemeSwitcher(toggler).init();

Advanced usage

const toggler = document.querySelector('#toggler');
const options = { transition: 200 }; // default is 150
const themeSwitcher = new ThemeSwitcher(toggler, isDark => {
  isDark ?
    toggler.setAttribute('src', '/path/to/sun-icon.png') :
    toggler.setAttribute('src', '/path/to/moon-icon.png');
}, options);


It automatically creates a draggable button to switch the theme.

Its constructor has an unique parameter:

  • options?: GeneratorInitOptions
    • Object with options to customize the button

Basic usage

new ThemeSwitcherGenerator().init();

Advanced usage

new ThemeSwitcherGenerator({
  transition: 100,
  glow: true, 
  glowColor: '#fa4d5f',
  backgroundColor: '#fafafa',
  boxShadow: 'none',
  sunIconUrl: 'https://link.to.icon/sun.png',
  moonIconUrl: 'https://link.to.icon/moon.png',
  size: 40,
  contextMenuOptions: {
    width: '100px',
    height: '30px',
    padding: '15px',
    textColor: '#121212',
    background: '#ccc',
    boxShadow: '0px 5px 10px 0px rgba(77,77,77,0.16)',
    borderRadius: '15px'
  //useDefaultContextMenu: true // Disable context menu provided by dark-theme-switcher