Codes In C language

C was originally developed at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie between 1972 and 1973 to construct utilities running on Unix. It was applied to re-implementing the kernel of the Unix operating system. During the 1980s, C gradually gained popularity.

Why to Choose C Programming as your first language?

Well there are many reasons
  • C is a Middle-Level Language. The middle-level languages are somewhere between the Low-level machine understandable assembly languages and High-Level user friendly languages.

  • Helps to understand the fundamentals of Computer Theories. Most of the theories related to computers like Computer Networks, Compiler Designing, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems are based on C programming language and requires a good knowledge of C programming if you are working on them. In the modern high level languages, the machine level details are hidden from the user, so in order to work with CPU cache, memory, network adapters, learning C programming is a must.

  • Fewer Libraries. C programming language has fewer libraries in comparison with other high-level languages. So, learning C programming also clears programming concepts to a great extent as you have to write lot of things from scratch.

  • C is very fast in terms of execution time. Programs written and compiled in C executes much faster than compared to any other programming language. C programming language is very fast in terms of execution as it does not have any additional processing overheads such as garbage collection or preventing memory leaks etc.

  • Embedded Programming. C is extensively used in Embedded Programming. Embedded Programming is also referred to as micro-controller programming, where C program is used to control micro-controllers