TreeGrid AngularJs-1 plugin
This table will implement tree data structure in a properly indented way and also allows to take basic operation like create, edit and delete operations with sync functionality with server using ajax calls.
- Show tree data structure in the form of a table.
- Add new nodes on root level.
- Add child nodes to any node.
- Edit/delete any node.
- Expand/collapse all nodes with just one click.
- Update all data with server using ajax calls.
Use this plugin to show your tree data structure in a user friendly way using collapsible bootstrap table. Perform operations on your data and sync them on server using ajax calls.
How it works?
It uses simple concept of converting your tree data structure into 1-D array, just change your complex tree data structure to simple one dimentional array and use angular's ng-repeat to show this array. Each node in this array contains parent id and level/depth info, which is used to show each node at proper place and indent it. eg.
var treeDS = [
name : aptitude,
id : 123,
childNodes : [
name : time and work,
id : 125
name : problem on trains,
id : 127
Convert this tree data structure to the following one dimentional array
var oneDArray = [
name : aptitude,
id : 123,
level : 0,
indentClass : "indent-0",
parentId : -1
name : time and work,
id : 125,
level : 1,
indentClass : "indent-1"
parentId : 123
name : problem on trains,
id : 127,
level : 1,
indentClass : "indent-1",
parentId : 123
This oneDArray contains all the info to show tree data structure in a table with proper parent child relationship and indentation.
- level : it represents node depth.
- indentClass : it will indent rows according to node depth.
- parentId : it will help to show which node have to show under which node.