This build contains own developed compiler for learning purpose
Take help from below notes :
Lexer : splits source code into tokens which are special keywords and structures of specific programming language Parser : Identifies patterns of token set and build Abstract Syntax Tree(AST). Generator : Generates the syntax of target language
grammar SimplerLang; program : statement+; => Program will have multiple Statement statement : let | show ; => A Statement is either Let or Show.
let : VAR '=' INT ; => Let is of the form VAR = INT show : 'show' (INT | VAR) ; => Show is of the form SHOW INT or SHOW VAR.
VAR : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ; => VAR → Variable ( String with lower or uppercase letters)
INT : '0'..'9'+ ; => INT → ( Integer, ie Positive Numberwithout decimal)
WS : [ \n\t]+ -> skip;