The dataset contains 28*28 pixel values for images of 0-9 digits.
For preprocessing the images, I normalized them using formula:
Im = (Im - max(Im))/(max(Im) - min(Im))
I have used three methods for data augmentation:
Image Binarization - Converting the grayscale images to black and white,i.e having two values 0 and 1
Image Rotation - Rotating the images by 20 degrees clockwise and anticlockwise
Image translation - Translating the images in the four orthogonal directions by 5 units.
A CNN model has been trained to classify the test images. The CNN model is as follows:
Conv2D2 --> MaxPooling2D --> Dropout --> Conv2D2 --> MaxPooling2D --> Flatten --> Dense --> Dropout --> Dense (output)
The model was optimized using NAdam optimizer and loss was calculated using KL_divergence function.
NAdam optimizer - KL_divergence loss function -
The kaggle notebook can be found here:
Thank you!