
Building a Product Recommender System Using Knowledge Graph Embedding and Graph Completion

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Building a Product Recommender System Using Knowledge Graph Embedding and Graph Completion

Building an effective product recommender system using knowledge graph embedding method that reflects richer data inter-relationships and an efficient learning pipeline that can predict the user preferences with good precision.


  • Our project aim to construct and design a knowledge representation that encodes complex data inter-relationships using an unstructured raw dataset on user, product and category relationships.
  • From the knowledge representation as defined above, we experiment to learn good representations that suit for passing to a machine learning pipeline.
  • Using the learned representations, this project aims to predict the user preferences with good precision and evaluate the overall system performance.


  • The dataset used in this project is amazon review dataset.
  • It comprises of data such as review data and product metadata.
  • It contains a total of 233.1 million reviews and data collected is from May 1996 to October 2018.
  • The dataset contains information on 29 different categories of products. The subset chosen for this work is “Video games”.


  • Python
  • Neo4j
  • Scipy
  • Pykg2vec
  • Py2neo
  • PyKEEN

System Architecture

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