
Verify that pull request titles start with a ticket ID

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Pull Request Ticket Check Action

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Verify that pull request titles start with a ticket ID


This Github Action helps ensure that all pull requests have an associated ticket ID in their title.

It can detect the ID in the title of the pull request, in the branch name, whether a reference ID (#123) is in the body, or even if a full URL is in the body.

If no ticket/issue ID is in the title, it will extract the ID from the branch or body and update the title for you. It will fail the check if no ticket ID is found anywhere.

If a ticketLink input is provided and named groups (?<ticketNumber>) are used in regexes, a ticket link will be posted on a PR upon a successful match. This overrides the quiet option.


In your .github/workflows folder, create a new pull_request_linting.yml file with the respective contents based on your needs.

The examples provided require some customizations unique to your codebase or issue tracking. If you're unfamiliar with building a regex, check out Regexr.

Make sure you check for the following to swap out with your values:

  • :owner / :org - used in all examples
  • :repo - used only in the GitHub example



name: Pull Request Lint

    types: ['opened', 'edited', 'reopened', 'synchronize']

    name: ticket check
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Check for ticket
        uses: neofinancial/ticket-check-action@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          ticketLink: 'https://github.com/:owner/:repo/issues/%ticketNumber%'
          ticketPrefix: '#'
          titleRegex: '^#(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'
          branchRegex: '^(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'
          bodyRegex: '#(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'
          bodyURLRegex: 'http(s?):\/\/(github.com)(\/:owner)(\/:repo)(\/issues)\/(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'


name: Pull Request Lint

    types: ['opened', 'edited', 'reopened', 'synchronize']

    name: ticket check
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Check for ticket
        uses: neofinancial/ticket-check-action@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          ticketLink: 'https://:org.atlassian.net/browse/PROJ-%ticketNumber%'
          ticketPrefix: 'PROJ-'
          titleRegex: '^PROJ-(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'
          branchRegex: '^PROJ-(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'
          bodyRegex: 'PROJ-(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'
          bodyURLRegex: 'http(s?):\/\/(:org.atlassian.net)(\/browse)\/(PROJ\-)(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'

Shortcut (formerly Clubhouse)

name: Pull Request Lint

    types: ['opened', 'edited', 'reopened', 'synchronize']

    name: ticket check
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Check for ticket
        uses: neofinancial/ticket-check-action@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          ticketLink: 'https://app.shortcut.com/:org/story/%ticketNumber%'
          ticketPrefix: 'SC-'
          titleRegex: '^(CH|sc)(-?)(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'
          branchRegex: '^(CH|sc)(-?)(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'
          bodyRegex: '(CH|sc)(-?)(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'
          bodyURLRegex: 'https?:\/\/app\.(clubhouse.io|shortcut.com)(\/:org)\/story\/(?<ticketNumber>\d+)'


Name Required Description default
token The GitHub access token
ticketLink The URL format for a link to a ticket with a %ticketNumber% placeholder
ticketPrefix The unique identifier for the ticket/issue
titleFormat The intended format the title should be set to if it doesn't match the regular expression. Available variables are %prefix%, %id%, and %title% %prefix%%id%: %title%
titleRegex The regular expression used to search the title for the intended format ^(CH)(-?)(?\d{3,})
titleRegexFlags The regular expression flags applied to the title regular expression gi
branchRegex The regular expression used to search the branch for the intended format ^(CH)(-?)(?\d{3,})
branchRegexFlags The regular expression flags applied to the branch regular expression gi
bodyRegex The regular expression used to search the body for a shorthand reference (example #123) (CH)(-?)(?\d{3,})
bodyRegexFlags The flags applied to the body regular expression when searching for a shorthand reference gim
bodyURLRegex The regular expression used to search the body for a URL reference (example https://github.com/octocat/hello-world/issues/1)
bodyURLRegexFlags The flags applied to the body regular expression when searching for a URL reference gim
exemptUsers Comma separated string of usernames that will be exempt from all checks. Most useful for bot/automated PRs (example "octocat,dependabot")
quiet If true, don't comment when a PR title is updated true