
Using JWT to authenticate users and use Mysql db connector to insert data and Open Api standard GET request

Primary LanguagePython

Mysql on windows

  1. Go to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin and run cmd
  2. Now to connect to Mysql server write this command mysql -u root -p
  3. Then Enter password

Create Flask project inside pycharm and JWT token


  1. inside terminal run pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. To create signature JWT write python inside terminal
  3. Then write import os & os.urandom(12)
  4. \xee[\xdc\x15\x88\xe8\xdf\xac\x85\xb4\x87\x16

to get jwt token run this http://localhost:5000/

MYSQL connector

SQLAlchemy already supports mysql and other dtabases driver. Simply install mysql-connector, mysql-connector-python drivers through pip install.

  1. Also, install PyMysql and Cryptography in the venv.
  2. then in terminal run python and Create Table through:
  3. from app import db
  4. db.create_all()
  5. Insert Data
  6. from app import Product
  7. p1 = Product('Siesta Key Water','2 Bedrooms \u00b7 2 Bathrooms' ,'https://media.c6.jpg',185)
  8. db.session.add(p1)
  9. db.session.commit()
  10. Query the Property
  11. product = Product.query.all()
  12. for p in product:
    1.  ``print(p.propertyTitle)`` 

important reference:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQl2wyJvK5k
  2. https://www.codestudyblog.com/cnb08/0818093912.html
  3. https://dev.to/blankgodd/connecting-to-a-mysql-database-with-sqlalchemy-lmc

GET request to get the properties from database

https://www.nintyzeros.com/2019/11/flask-mysql-crud-restful-api.html Create a RESTful api using Flask and document it by generating API specification using openapi Now Running below url http://localhost:5000/property

Output is { "product": [ { "id": 1, "propertyBrand": "https://media.c6.jpg", "propertyDescription": "2 Bedrooms \u00b7 2 Bathrooms", "propertyPrice": 185, "propertyTitle": "Siesta Key Water" }, { "id": 2, "propertyBrand": "https://media.c7.jpg", "propertyDescription": "Sleeps 2 Studio 1 Bathroom", "propertyPrice": 222, "propertyTitle": "Ground Floor Direct" } ] }

Get request to get response from database and Openapi standard


Output is

{ "info": { "title": "flask-api-swagger-doc", "version": "1.0.0" }, "openapi": "3.0.2", "paths": { "/property": { "get": { "description": "Get List of Properties", "responses": { "200": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VrboPropertyResponseSchema" } } }, "description": "Return a Property list" } } } } } }

Get swagger UI run
