
Surprise! It's Anja Petry's personal introduction repo. Forever evolving...

Hi there, hallo, bonjour, dag, hej! 👋

🌈 I'm Anja, a self-taught frontend developer and coding bootcamp grad (Opencampus's frontend developer program 2021/2022 in Kiel, Germany) 🌞 My focus is on crafting accessible websites and apps with HTML, CSS (especially TailwindCSS), React.js, and Next.js with a healthy dose of GSAP and Three.js. As a true language lover, I also have a keen eye for design and details.

🫵 Are you hiring new developers? ​I am looking for a remote, full-time position as a (junior) front-end developer! Let's talk! 📲​

​👩‍💻​ Presently, I'm crafting my personal website and portfolio while deepening my knowledge of React, Typescript, Next.js 14. In 2024, exploring Astro more fully is on my radar, as is expanding my accessibility skills. My goal is to become an a11y and animations expert before June 2025.
🔭 Further explorations: Framer Motion, Three.js, Figma's dev mode, and UI/ UX design principles to enhance my web design knowledge.

🤝 Coding community: I participate in Ladies Who Code London, and regularly take part in regional & remote coding meetups and conferences. You can find me on Discord, Medium, dev.to, and on deta.space.

📱 Connect with me on LinkedIn

Join me on daily.dev! It's a professional network for developers to learn, collaborate, and grow together.

💻 My Tech Stack & 🚀 Skills (tools I've worked with over the years)

📋 Languages

CSS3 HTML5 JavaScript Markdown Python TypeScript GraphQL

📚 Frameworks, Platforms and Libraries

Apollo-GraphQL Bootstrap Bulma ChakraUI Chart.js MUI Next JS NodeJS p5js PNPM React React Native React Query React Router React Hook Form Redux SASS Socket.io SolidJS Strapi Styled Components TailwindCSS Threejs UnoCSS Vite Webpack Windicss Yarn

🕓 Version Control


🤜🤛 Group

Meetup Discord Zoom Mattermost StackOverflow Reddit Slack

🫶 Social

LinkedIn GitHub CodePen

💻 OS

iOS macOS

🔔 Tests

Jest Testing Library

🤖 Artificial Intelligence


☁️ Hosting/SaaS

Vercel Netlify AWS Github Pages

⚡ Database

PlanetScale MongoDB PostGreSQL SQLite Supabase

🖍 Design

Figma Framer Affinty Photo Affinit Designer Blender Canva Dribble

📚 Education

Udemy Codecademy Coursera Edx freecodecamp FutureLearn Khan Academy MDN Web Docs Scrimba Udacity

👩‍💻 IDEs/Editors

Visual Studio Code CodeSandbox Replit Stackblitz Notion Obsidian p5js Editor

📝 Blog

Medium Dev.to Hashnode

🧐 Linters

esLint Prettier

⚙️ ORM


💻 Terminal


✍️ Random Dev Quote