
Improve Flask-RESTFul's behavior. Add some new features.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Improve Flask-RESTFul's behavior. Add some new features.

All features that shown below was optional, choose according to your needs.

Improve error handling

source: error_handling.py

Flask-RESTFul's error handler can only output error message for the exceptions that raised by itself.

This make it can handling other kind of exceptions in same way.

api = restful_extend.ErrorHandledApi(app)   # instead of `api = restful.Api(app)`

class MyRoutes(Resource):
    def get(self):
        raise Exception("errmsg")   # now, the 'errmsg' can output to client

Improve JSON support

enhance JSON encode ability

sources: extend_json.py, json_encode_manager.py

Support more data type by default, and you can simply add supports for new data type.

# This is a custom type, you can't direct return a value of this type in Flask or Flask-RESTFul.
class RationalNumber(object):
    def __init__(self, numerator, denominator):
        self.numerator = numerator
        self.denominator = denominator

api = restful.Api(app)

# Enable enhanced json encode feature

# create and register a custom encoder, to encode your custom type to serializable value.
def rational_encoder(rational):
    return rational.numerator * 1.0 / rational.denominator

api.json_encoder.register(rational_encoder, RationalNumber)

class MyRoutes(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return RationalNumber(1, 5)     # now you can return the value of your custom type directly

support JSONP

source: extend_json.py

Respond jsonp request automatically

api = restful.Api(app)

class MyRoutes(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return dict(foo='bar')

api.add_resource(MyRoutes, '/my_routes')

# normal request: /my_routes                    response: {"foo": "bar"}
# jsonp request:  /my_routes?callback=my_cb     response: my_cb({"foo": "bar"})

SQLAlchemy related extend


source: marshal.py

Extend Flask-RESTFul's marshal_with decorator's behavior. Auto define fields for ORM model.

class MyRoutes(Resource):
        # With `marshal_with_model`, you can return an model instance or model query
        # in view function directly.
        @marshal_with_model(MyModel, excludes=['id'])
        def get(self):
          return MyModel.query      # response: [my_model1, my_model2, ...]

        # If you need return different type of model in different situation, you can use `quick_marshal`
        def post(self):
          if something:
              return quick_marshal(MyModel)(MyModel.query.get(1))   # response: my_model
              return quick_marshal(HisModel)(HisModel.query)        # response: [his_model1, ...]

fast register URL converter for model

source: model_converter.py

api = restful.Api(app)

class Student(db.model):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name =  Column(String(50))


class MyRoutes(object):
    def get(self, classmate):

api.add_resource(MyRoutes, '/classmates/<Student:classmate>')

# request: /classmates/102      response: {"id": 102, "name": "superman"}

According to specified model's definition Create a RequestParser

source: model_reqparse.py

required: fixed_type (see next section)

class Student(db.model):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name =  Column(String(50))
    age = Column(Integer)

class MyRoutes(object):
    def post(self):
        # use `make_request_parser` quickly create a `RequestParser`
        parser = make_request_parser(Student)

        # you can update the parser as usual

        request_data = parser.parse_args()
        print request_data['name'], request_data['age']
        # do something...

class MyRoutes2(object):
    def post(self):
        # if you want padding the request data to a model,
        # you can use `populate_model`, it's more convenience.
        model = Student.query.get(1)
        populate_model(model)   # the model was updated use user request data

Improve Argument type handling

sources: model_reqparse.py, reqparse_fixed_type.py


Change reqparse.Argument.convert's original behavior.

You should call this function before use make_request_parser, populate_model or fixed types.

fixed types

A set of customized type_constructor.

Use them in place of int、str、datetime... to be the type used in Argument's type parameter, this can provide some additional feature.

Model validates

source: model_validates.py

Simplify and extend SQLAlchemy's attribute validates process. This function has no relationship with Flask-RESTful.

More Details

For more details, please read the documents in source.