
netlify oauth github client sending token in form as netlify service itself, implementation in python

Primary LanguagePython


netlify-cms has its own github OAuth client. This is a python implementation based on the Node.js version.

Other implementations

Run using Docker-Compose

  1. Make sure Docker and Docker-Compose are installed.
  2. Download docker-compose.yml from here
    1. In a Linux Bash-Shell simply use: curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anjomro/netlify-cms-oauth-provider-python/master/docker-compose.yml
  3. Change in the directory of the downloaded docker-compose.yml file and run docker-compose up -d
  4. The service is now running on port 7080. It is advised to use a reverse proxy like Caddy to secure the service using a TLS Certificate.

Run using Docker

  1. Make sure Docker is installed.
  2. Run docker run -p 7080:80 --restart always -d --rm --name cms-oauth-provider ghcr.io/anjomro/netlify-cms-oauth-provider-python:latest
  3. The service is now running on port 7080. It is advised to use a reverse proxy like Caddy to secure the service using a TLS Certificate.

1) Install

For mac and linux

git clone https://github.com/davidejones/netlify-cms-oauth-provider-python.git
cd netlify-cms-oauth-provider-python
python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

For windows

git clone https://github.com/davidejones/netlify-cms-oauth-provider-python.git
cd netlify-cms-oauth-provider-python
python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
pip install -r requirements.txt

2) Config

Auth Provider Config

Configuration is done with environment variables, which can be supplied as command line arguments, added in your app hosting interface, or loaded from a .env file.

Example .env file:


Client ID & Client Secret: After registering your Oauth app, you will be able to get your client id and client secret on the next page.

Redirect URL (optional): Include this if you need your callback to be different from what is supplied in your Oauth app configuration.

Git Hostname (Optional): This is only necessary for use with Github Enterprise.

CMS Config

You also need to add base_url to the backend section of your netlify-cms's config file. base_url is the live URL of this repo with no trailing slashes.

  name: github
  repo: user/repo   # Path to your Github repository
  branch: master    # Branch to update
  base_url: https://your.server.com # Path to ext auth provider

3) Run it

With your virtual environment activated run the server as follows

python main.py