
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains code for the paper Minimising changes to audit when updating decision trees.

Interactive notebooks

We provide notebooks that can be used to explore how the algorithm works without running the full experiment.

To get started with the interactive notebooks:

  • Install poetry (https://python-poetry.org/)
  • poetry install
  • export PYTHONPATH="$PWD"
  • poetry run jupyter notebook
  • Navigate to tree_diff/notebooks in the browser
  • Done!

Additional dependencies

We use the dot command line tool for generating tree figures:

  • dot command line tool on path (brew install graphviz / conda install graphviz)

The full experiment was run in a conda environment. In addition to standard conda dependencies (sklearn, pandas, numpy, matplotlib), comparisons to EFDT need the river library. Install the additional dependencies using the command below:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Datasets for the paper are available from the UCI Machine Learning Repository at https://archive.ics.uci.edu. Extract the datasets to a directory called datasets. Your folder structure should look like this:


├── covertype
│   ├── covtype.data
│   ├── covtype.info
│   └── old_covtype.info
├── covertype.zip
├── hepmass
│   ├── 1000_test.csv
│   ├── 1000_train.csv
│   ├── all_test.csv
│   ├── all_train.csv
│   ├── not1000_test.csv
│   └── not1000_train.csv
├── hepmass.zip
├── higgs
│   └── HIGGS.csv
├── higgs.zip
├── poker+hand
│   ├── poker-hand.names
│   ├── poker-hand-testing.data
│   └── poker-hand-training-true.data
├── poker+hand.zip
├── skin+segmentation
│   └── Skin_NonSkin.txt
├── skin+segmentation.zip
├── susy
│   └── SUSY.csv
└── susy.zip

Running the experiments

After downloading the datasets, you can run the experiment in the paper:

python3 experiment2.py

Analysis of experiment results

The experiment will write results to an output directory (starting with out followed by a number). The notebook used to analyse these experiment results is notebooks/experiment2_analysis.ipynb