
This is a repository for my dotfiles. For more information, check out https://dotfiles.github.io/

Primary LanguageShell


This is a repository for my dotfiles. For more information on these in general, check out https://dotfiles.github.io/.


Terminal commands

  • atom - To open Atom from the terminal (thanks Atom!)
  • sshkey - Drop a host from known_hosts then copy your key to that host
  • searchfor - Find text in files
  • findthis - Find file by partial name


  • In case you mess up ~/.oh-my-zsh, it's just a git repo - just git reset --hard then re-run install.sh
  • To search history in terminal, use CTRL+R
  • To clear a line of text in terminal, use CTRL+U
  • To erase by word in terminal, use CTRL+W
  • This is a good Markdown Cheatsheet

Handling Forks

  • The master branch should be kept generic and should be pushed to both GitHub & the private repo
  • The work/personal/project-specific/etc branch should only be pushed to the private repo
  • Changes in master should be merged into the private branch

