
Web based machine learning project which will detect whether the web link is malicious or not - Team Project

Primary LanguageHTML

Web Phishing Detection - Team Project

Team Members

Demo Video


Tech Stacks Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Flask
  • IBM Db2 on cloud

Procedure to Run this application

  • Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/IBM-EPBL/IBM-Project-44647-1660725800.git
  • Navigate to Final_Deliverables/Source_Code/Flask directory

  • Open the cmd or terminal and install all the packages in the requirements.txt. To do that, run

pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Then Create the IBM Cloud account and in that, create the IBM Db 2 Cloud Service

  • Then download the digital signature file from ibm cloud db 2 service and put it in flask folder root directory

  • create the .env file in the flask folder root directory. Then insert the db credentials in the following link and add this link to .env file,

  • To create the secret key, open the terminal, type the following and you will get the secret key
>>> import os
>>> os.urandom(24)
  • Then insert the secret key in .env file.
  • Then, In IBM Db2 Cloud service, create the table and it's scheme like the following:




  • For the contact form to send the queries, use the service called email.js.

  • Create the account on email.js (https://www.emailjs.com/)

  • Then create the mail service and template on email.js

  • Then take the service id, template id and user id and paste it in contact.js (/static/js/contact.js)

  • To run the application,

flask --app app --debug run