
App structure for a react native expo development workflow and mobile development

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Starter Kit

A react native expo project starter kit

packages to check out

  • axios >> api requests
  • gifted charts >> display charts
  • react native modal >> modal components

Expo Packages:

Expo Font
Expo Notifications
Expo Device
Expo Location
Expo Camera
Expo Contacts 7 . Expo FileSystem
Expo ImagePicker
Expo Permissions
Expo SQLite

UI Components:

React Native Elements
Shoutem UI
React Native Material Kit
React Native UI Kitten


React Navigation
Wix Navigation
React Native Router Flux

Storage and Database:

React Native AsyncStorage
Firebase Realtime Database
AWS Amplify

API and Networking:

React Native Fetch
React Query

Security and Authentication:

Expo AuthSession
React Native Firebase
AWS Cognito

Utilities and Tools:

React Native Debugger

UI Components:

Gluestack UI
Victory Native
Maguns UI
React Native Paper
UI Kitten

**Navigation: **

React Native Navigation
Navigation Native
React Native Tab View

Storage and Database:

React Native SQLite Storage
React Native Firebase Realtime Database
AWS AppSync

API and Networking:

React Native HTTP
React Query Devtools
Axios React Native

Security and Authentication:

React Native Fingerprint Scanner
Expo Google Sign-In
React Native Facebook SDK

Utilities and Tools:

React Native Fast Image
React Native SVG
React Native Gesture Handler
React Native Reanimated