
Socket.io Chat Server

This is a simple chat server using Node.js, Express, and Socket.io.


  • Node.js installed on your machine.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd evivve_assignment
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the server:

    npm start

The server will be running on http://localhost:8000.


  • Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000.
  • You will see the chat application.
  • Users can join different rooms and exchange messages.

Server Configuration

The server is configured in the index.js file.

  • app.get("/"): Serves the HTML file for the chat application.
  • io.on("connection"): Handles socket connections, room joining, message sending, and disconnection events.

Socket Events

  • join room: Allows users to join a specific chat room.
  • chat message: Sends and receives chat messages within a room.
  • disconnect: Handles user disconnection events.


The server is set to run on port 8000 by default. You can configure the port by setting the PORT environment variable.