- 0
ChartJs Custom Scaling Not Working
#135 opened by bekicot - 6
Add support for 2nd y-axis
#79 opened by ankane - 1
[Feature request] events annotation on the x-axis
#134 opened by duarme - 5
Piechart with chart.js custom tooltips
#85 opened by dominicsanto - 5
- 1
Help to use chartkick/chart.js in Rails 6 project
#127 opened by neuberfran - 2
Chartkick forces pointFormatter option in Highcharts
#128 opened by goamaral - 3
Displaying time axis do not work with Chart.js
#126 opened by foton - 3
[Idea] Show loading after updateData(newData)
#119 opened by diesl - 1
- 1
Examples broken: "Geo Chart" and "Markers"
#125 opened by drnic - 2
- 1
How to enable labels with the same name?
#123 opened by edshen17 - 2
- 1
- 2
Prototype Pollution in Chartkick.js 3.1.x
#117 opened by ankane - 1
[Idea] Custom Markers for Highcharts LineChart
#115 opened by pulgaroja - 1
- 1
- 2
[Idea] Add support to Google Materials Charts
#102 opened by marcoborsoi - 2
- 7
[Idea] Multi-series Dates
#94 opened by graingerkid - 1
Combined charts support
#113 opened by lapwil - 2
How can i use a multilines labels in yAxis ?
#110 opened - 1
- 2
Unable to set min and max of x axis.
#103 opened by ThinkSalat - 3
[FAQ] How to use chartkick.js using webpack
#106 opened by kirantpatil - 0
- 4
How to select fonts?
#70 opened by remcoNL - 3
not using default options let defaultOptions = {...
#101 opened by freerider7777 - 2
- 4
Add support for custom tooltips
#86 opened by ankane - 1
add support for stepped line charts
#88 opened by blairanderson - 0
Add support for line options
#80 opened by ankane - 0
Point labels for scatter charts
#76 opened by ankane - 4
Add support for bubble charts
#72 opened by ankane - 1
Click event on React ColumnChart
#100 opened by tkserver - 1
Library options doesn't seem to be respected
#93 opened by ipoval - 1
[Idea] Update data instead of replace?
#99 opened by smitt04 - 2
Summarizing Data
#98 opened by ACPK - 2
- 7
Add support for currency and percentages
#74 opened by ankane - 2
Message if there is no data?
#84 opened by adambedford - 4
Bug in displaying timeline chart
#89 opened by S-hack - 1
GeoChart Not working
#82 opened by graingerkid - 5
2.2.2 gives error on scatter_chart
#81 opened by arni1981 - 1
- 1
Hide X-axis
#77 opened by graingerkid - 0
Add legend option
#73 opened by ankane - 4
Beginner: data format question
#69 opened by remcoNL