
Create beautiful JavaScript maps with one line of Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Create beautiful JavaScript maps with one line of Ruby. No more fighting with mapping libraries!

See it in action

🔥 For static maps, check out Mapkick Static, and for charts, check out Chartkick

Build Status


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem "mapkick-rb"

Mapkick uses Mapbox GL JS v1. To use tiles from Mapbox, create a Mapbox account to get an access token and set ENV["MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"] in your environment (or set Mapkick.options[:access_token] in an initializer).

Then follow the instructions for your JavaScript setup:


In config/importmap.rb, add:

pin "mapkick/bundle", to: "mapkick.bundle.js"

And in app/javascript/application.js, add:

import "mapkick/bundle"

esbuild, rollup.js, or Webpack


yarn add mapkick

And in app/javascript/application.js, add:

import "mapkick/bundle"

Note: For rollup.js, this requires format: "iife" in rollup.config.js.



yarn add mapkick

And in app/javascript/packs/application.js, add:

import "mapkick/bundle"


In app/assets/javascripts/application.js, add:

//= require mapkick.bundle


Point map

<%= js_map [{latitude: 37.7829, longitude: -122.4190}] %>

Area map

<%= area_map [{geometry: {type: "Polygon", coordinates: ...}}] %>


Data can be an array

<%= js_map [{latitude: 37.7829, longitude: -122.4190}] %>

Or a URL that returns JSON (same format as above)

<%= js_map cities_path %>

Point Map

Use latitude or lat for latitude and longitude, lon, or lng for longitude

You can specify a label, tooltip, and color for each data point

  latitude: ...,
  longitude: ...,
  label: "Hot Chicken Takeover",
  tooltip: "5 stars",
  color: "#f84d4d"

Area Map

Use geometry with a GeoJSON Polygon or MultiPolygon

You can specify a label, tooltip, and color for each data point

  geometry: {type: "Polygon", coordinates: ...},
  label: "Hot Chicken Takeover",
  tooltip: "5 stars",
  color: "#0090ff"


Id, width, and height

<%= js_map data, id: "cities-map", width: "800px", height: "500px" %>

Marker color

<%= js_map data, markers: {color: "#f84d4d"} %>

Show tooltips on click instead of hover

<%= js_map data, tooltips: {hover: false} %>

Allow HTML in tooltips (must sanitize manually)

<%= js_map data, tooltips: {html: true} %>

Map style

<%= js_map data, style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v12" %>

Zoom and controls

<%= js_map data, zoom: 15, controls: true %>

Refresh data from a remote source every n seconds

<%= js_map url, refresh: 60 %>

Pass options directly to the mapping library

<%= js_map data, library: {hash: true} %>

See the documentation for Mapbox GL JS for more info

Global Options

To set options for all of your maps, create an initializer config/initializers/mapkick.rb with:

Mapkick.options[:height] = "400px"

Sinatra and Padrino

Download mapkick.bundle.js and include it manually.

<script src="mapkick.bundle.js"></script>


View the changelog


Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:

To get started with development:

git clone https://github.com/ankane/mapkick.git
cd mapkick
bundle install
bundle exec rake test