- 3
Any plans to add Delta Lake support
#87 opened by simpl1g - 12
- 1
Newbie Question on plotting
#91 opened by ausangshukla - 1
Feature: strip values during reading of CSV
#90 opened by gsinclair - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
full joins withe coalesce
#86 opened by topofocus - 4
Docs: Add example of using Enum datatype
#85 opened by DeflateAwning - 1
Filter with Date
#84 opened by topofocus - 3
- 5
Add `Expr.map_elements(...)` functionality
#66 opened by DeflateAwning - 6
- 2
- 4
Low memory batched csv reader issue
#59 opened by jvdp - 2
Feature Request: Gracefully Handle Non-Existent Columns in DataFrame [] Method
#65 opened by mezbahalam - 1
Request: Add support for df.cast method
#82 opened by DeflateAwning - 3
Docs: Add example of using `StringCache`
#78 opened by DeflateAwning - 3
Request: Implement `_dump_data` so that `Rails.cache` can wrap a DataFrame
#79 opened by DeflateAwning - 2
Request: Add support for `df.write_ipc` and `df.write_parquet` (with no args, and with StringIO/BytesIO args)
#80 opened by DeflateAwning - 1
- 1
- 1
Error while read row of dataframe
#74 opened by suaron - 2
Bundle install blows up in arm64
#72 opened by luis30n - 2
Implementation: add support for kwargs and/or hash as arg to `Polars.struct`
#73 opened by DeflateAwning - 1
- 3
- 2
- 2
Feature Request: support `df.group_by(...).agg(new_col: ...)` like `df.with_columns(new_col: ...)`
#67 opened by DeflateAwning - 2
Ship polars 0.91 release
#63 opened by woodhull - 1
- 2
Add support for the streaming APIs (`.scan_xxx(streaming=True)` and `df.sink_parquet(...)`)
#58 opened by DeflateAwning - 1
Cross join not working
#56 opened by svevang - 4
Error while installing using force_ruby_platform
#55 opened by woodhull - 3
a mistake when construct df from hash
#54 opened by kkzhang - 1
- 7
Request: add support for `df.write_json(nil)`, which returns the JSON as a string
#51 opened by DeflateAwning - 2
With the release tags, specify what version of the underlying Rust polars library/API you're using
#50 opened by DeflateAwning - 5
Error installing from github
#48 opened by denjamio - 7
Sequel gem support
#46 opened by DanFCo - 3
- 2
Missing polars.Expr.replace
#47 opened by denjamio - 1
Big Decimal causes rust index out of bounds.
#45 opened by pstalcup - 1
- 2
BigDecimals are not handled correctly when constructing DataFrames in some circumstances
#43 opened by pstalcup - 1
- 3
Polars.min does not work with expressions
#41 opened by pstalcup - 2
Feature: Polars.cut
#38 opened by scart88 - 2
Top K: unknown keyword: :reverse (ArgumentError)
#39 opened by scart88 - 3
Can't deserialize Decimal column to parquet format
#36 opened by geclos