
Sharing Blogs, Notes, Ideas, Knowledge

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Knowledge increases by sharing, not by saving


Sharing Blogs, Notes, Ideas, Knowledge

  1. Deep Learning Hardware
  2. Deep Learning Theory


  1. Docker Cheatsheet
  2. Docker mySetup
  3. Bash Commands
  4. Python Environments
  5. Git commands
  6. Ubuntu mySetup
  7. Tensorflow Build
  8. Caffe Build
  9. ARMNN SDK Build
  10. New C++ Proj Cmake setup

Neat Tricks

Short handy snippets of code

  1. Numpy Tricks
  2. Python Code Pearls
  3. PIL Tricks
  4. Python list and map comprehensions
  5. OpenAI Gym Setup
  6. Keras and SKLearn
  7. Pandas

Literature Study

  1. Network Architecture Search using RL
  2. Binary Neural Networks
  3. Network Quantization
  4. Awesome-NAS

Book/Tutorial Notes

  1. RL-an introduction(Sutton et.al)
  2. Bayesian Learning
  3. Advanced Python-Packages and Modules
  4. Advanced Python-Classes
  5. Advanced Python-Functions
  6. Microk8s

ML Notes

  1. Calculating max-log-likelihood without gradient descent
  2. Understanding Log likelihood
  3. VAE introduction