The project analyzes an ad-hoc network run during a four to five day conference setting.
- Exchange of data is bidirectional upon any sighting in the trace.
- Whenever nodes sight each other, the sighting is long enough for complete transfer of data in both directions.
- In part 1, each node transmits to the first K unique neighbours it sights.
- The transmission probability space is such that x%+y% = 100%
Note on directories and files:
- doc: Contains analysis of part 1,2 and 3.
- Data: Contains scripts, data, plots for all experiments that was run for the assignment.
- src: Contains raw scripts. More on execution below.
- Problem Statement: Contains 2 files. Second statement was attempted.
- proximityedgetimestamps.csv: A csv containing the network trace.
- modularityclass.csv: A csv containing devices classes obtained using Gephi Software.
Note on execution of scripts:
Change directory to src/ folder using cd src
To run script for part 1, type in Unix Bash:
python <script_name> <Parameter_K> <Source_node>
To run script for part 2, type in Unix Bash:
python <Top_S%> <Bottom_L%> <Transmission_Prob_to_super_nodes(%)> <Transmission_Prob_to_Oridinary_nodes(%)> <Source_Node>
To run script for part 3, type in Unix Bash:
python <Transmission Prob.(X in %)> <Transmission Prob(Y in %)> <Source_Node>
The scripts folder in src/ contains python scripts to run previous scripts 100 times starting from 100 random nodes.