
Analysis performed for a Bluetooth trace at a Conference

Primary LanguagePython


The project analyzes an ad-hoc network run during a four to five day conference setting.


  1. Exchange of data is bidirectional upon any sighting in the trace.
  2. Whenever nodes sight each other, the sighting is long enough for complete transfer of data in both directions.
  3. In part 1, each node transmits to the first K unique neighbours it sights.
  4. The transmission probability space is such that x%+y% = 100%

Note on directories and files:

  1. doc: Contains analysis of part 1,2 and 3.
  2. Data: Contains scripts, data, plots for all experiments that was run for the assignment.
  3. src: Contains raw scripts. More on execution below.
  4. Problem Statement: Contains 2 files. Second statement was attempted.
  5. proximityedgetimestamps.csv: A csv containing the network trace.
  6. modularityclass.csv: A csv containing devices classes obtained using Gephi Software.

Note on execution of scripts:

Change directory to src/ folder using cd src

To run script for part 1, type in Unix Bash:

python algo1.py <script_name> <Parameter_K> <Source_node>

To run script for part 2, type in Unix Bash:

python algo2.py <Top_S%> <Bottom_L%> <Transmission_Prob_to_super_nodes(%)> <Transmission_Prob_to_Oridinary_nodes(%)> <Source_Node>

To run script for part 3, type in Unix Bash:

python algo3.py <Transmission Prob.(X in %)> <Transmission Prob(Y in %)> <Source_Node>

The scripts folder in src/ contains python scripts to run previous scripts 100 times starting from 100 random nodes.