Edviron is a platform that collects fees from students on behalf of schools.

🛠 Built with

Technologies used in the project:




💻 Screenshots

ADMIN DASHBOARD: Screenshot (533)

MOBILE VIEW WhatsApp Image 2023-09-20 at 11 34 45 AM

✨ Features

  • Dynamic Data and Content
  • Dynamic Charts
  • Separate Sections and Components maintained



  • Components
  • Assets


  • Dashboard -admin -category -overview -disbural -payment -status

  • Sidebar

  • sidebar ( default and mini sidebar)

🚀 Demo

Front-end deployed URL:

Back-end deployed URL:

📁 Folder structure

  • public - This holds all of our static files

  • src

    • Resources - This folder holds assets such as images, docs, and fonts

    • components - This folder holds all of the different components that will make up our pages

    • pages - These represent a unique page on the website i.e. Home or About.

    • App.js - This is what renders all of our browser routes and different pages

    • index.js - This is what renders the react app by rendering App.js.

  • package.json - Defines npm behaviors and packages for the client

.gitignore - Tells git which files to ignore

README - This file!


Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/anki2001ta/Edviron-Frontend.git

Client-side usage

Go to the project directory

$ cd edviron-frontend       // go to client folder
$ yarn # or npm i               // npm install packages
$ npm run start                // run it locally

// deployment for client app
$ npm run build  //This will compile the react code using Webpack and generate a folder called docs in the root level

✍ Contributors