
It is a Java based portal for online examination in which there are different sections and single choice , multiple choice and integer type questions and the score is displayed at the end of the examination. There is a timer and we can also book mark the questions.

Offline Quiz Software

This software allows users to play a quiz consisting of 20 questions. Each question can be one of the three types: Good, Tough or Complex.

Good: Each question is of multiple choice type with one correct answer. 3 marks are awarded for correct answer and 1 mark is deducted for wrong answer. No marks are deducted for leaving the question unanswered.

Tough: Each question must be solved and answer reduced to a signed integer. 4 marks are awarded for correct answer and 2 marks are deducted for wrong answer. No marks are deducted for leaving the question unanswered.

Complex: Each question is of multiple choice type with one or more correct answers. 5 marks are awarded for correct answer and 3 marks are deducted for wrong answer. No marks are deducted for leaving the question unanswered.


Upon launching, user views a Welcome Screen where they are required to enter their name and roll number.


Upon entering the details the user will proceed to view the questions. Before each question, the user must select the type of that question. Once selected, user cannot change the type for that question.


Upon completion of all the questions or when the timer reaches 0, the user will have to submit. Result will be generated instantaneously.


The entire quiz carries a maximum of 100 marks. The number and type of questions chosen by user will determine their maximum possible marks. The grading, however, is carried out on an absolute scale of 100.

Grade Minimum Marks
A+ 90
A 80
B+ 65
B 50
C 35
D 20

Marks below 20 will warrant F grade.

Example: A user choosing to attempt only Good Questions can score a maximum of 60 marks and therefore, a B grade. To score higher, user must attempt Tough and Complex Questions too.