< ChefsCamp />

Note: Source code for frontend is available here at


Made with ❤ to help you grow. Chef'sCamp is a platform that consumes CodeChef API to provide service such as Tag based filtering of problems, adding personal tags, searching for CodeChef contests and practicing CodeChef problems at Chef'sCamp.

https://chefscamp.tech -- Checkout the application

Getting Started

  1. Install Node 10.18.1+ (e.g. using [node version manger][nvm]), php 7+ from https://www.php.net/ , latest Composer from https://getcomposer.org/download/

  2. Clone the repo, install dependencies:

    git clone https://github.com/ankiiitraj/chefscamp-client
    1. cd chefscamp-client
     yarn install
    2. Make a copy on .env.example as .env and fill the required env vars.
    3. yarn start

    Similarly, for Backend setup:

    git clone https://github.com/ankiiitraj/chefscamp-server
    1. cd chefscamp-server
        composer install
    2. Make a copy on .env.example as .env and fill the required env vars.
    3. sudo php -S http://localhost:88
  3. Visit http://localhost:3000 to see the web app and http://localhost:88 to interact with backend.

Getting familar

Watch this video on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTC7kfEWGIw&lc=UgzrDLznH7RYFm3TsgF4AaABAg


  • Ankit Raj

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • I would like to thank CodeChef for such a great platform and detailed API Documentation
  • Chef'sCamp is the result of inspiration by CodeChef itself.
