

  • Different Signup/Login functionality for Users and Hospitals.
  • Users can view their report and exercise blogs, while Hospitals can View and Upload reports and exercise blogs.
  • Secure storage of reports on IPFS (Interplantery File System) with the help of ethereum blockchain.
  • All data of Users is stored on Ethereum blockchain(Goerli TestNet).
  • Special Workout Demonstration for Women .
  • Period Tracker with Custom Note adding.

Tech Stack

  • ReactJS
  • IPFS
  • Blockchain - Ethereum
  • Web3.Storage
  • Truffle
  • Replit
  • NodeJS
  • Goerli TestNet
  • Solidity

How this DApp works ?

  • Authentication is handled by backend and stored on MongoDB
  • During Login of Users / Hospitals details are verified
  • Post-Login all restricted routes are secured

User Reports Storage

  • To view Reports , either by User or Hospital(required to enter UserId) , ContentID are fetched for that user
  • Reports are stored on IPFS using
  • IPFS is a decentralised File System to store data securely
  • ContentID is the unique identifier for each file uploaded on IPFS
  • The data of CID's linked with UserId are stored on Ethereum blockchain
  • For the purpose of testing Goerli TestNet is used
  • To connect Node backend to Ethereum blockchain API was called
  • Upon Fetching data Frontend Displays it

Period Tracker

  • Browse through the Calendar and add Date for periods
  • With each Date you add(must be unique for user) , additional details can be added
  • This can be used to get better evaluation of health

Instructions to use DApp


  • Signup(or Login) as Patient
  • View Reports at an Centralised place with absolute security
  • Track Your Monthly periods to see any inconsistencies . Add optional detailed notes with each entry
  • Browse through various health blogs uploaded by Verified hospitals


  • Signup(or Login) as Hospital
  • View Docs of any patient just by their UserID
  • Browse through all patient history at centralised place to give accurate treatments
  • Upload blogs that'll help patients to maintain/improve their health



Video Link

For the video demonstration, click here