
πŸ“β˜£βœ’ This Tool will be considered as new Revolution of Apk Android RATs but within advanced & different version

πŸ’Ώ Program Owner , By : SaherBlueEagle

Blue Eagle Android RAT for Android

Hacking Wnidows / MAC / Linux / Adnroid using your Android Phone 😲😎πŸ’ͺTCP Server RAT [Remote Access Trojan] Preview :

1- Download Android RAT exe-apk Builder_Win8.exe

2- Build the apk Server one time only , build trojan exe for your android local ip / no-ip

the host is your no-ip / portforward your android phone to the RAT 😎😎 install apk , start app , and listen to the portπŸ’ͺ

build exe if for exe trojan , build apk [ generally the same one every time ]

run exe on victim machine , run apk on phone to control victim machine , to refresh list , wipe the list view