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AiBoost next is a extenstion to project this is a personal project which showcase the Web3 aspect of a website. it has functionalities like - send matic, lottery game, staking the token, buy aiboost token.
For | Technlogy |
Frontendπ± | ReactJS |
Blockchainπ± | Smart contracts, Eth, Solidity |
web3 Framework | Truffle, ganache |
DeployedβοΈ | Heroku |
- ReactJS
- TailwindCSS
- react-router
- Ethers
- framer-motion
- hardhat
- ethers
- chai
β£ src/
β β£ app/
β β β£ auth/
β β β β£ confirm-email/
β β β β£ login/
β β β β£ page-not-found/
β β β β£ reset-password/
β β β β sign-up/
β β β£ core/
β β β β£ enum/
β β β β£ guard/
β β β β£ interceptor/
β β β β£ model/
β β β β service/
β β β£ data/
β β β£ pages/
β β β β£ admin/
β β β β£ common/
β β β β β edit-profile/
β β β β£ doctor/
β β β β β£ dashboard/
β β β β β£ medicine/
β β β β β β£ add-edit-medicine/
β β β β β£ patient/
β β β β β β£ diagnose/
β β β β β β£ list/
β β β β β β queue/
β β β β£ lab/
β β β β£ layout/
β β β β£ receptionist/
β β β β β£ patient/
β β β β β β£ existing/
β β β β β β£ list/
β β β β β β£ new/
β β β β£ super-admin/
β β β β user/
β β£ assets/
β β β£ images/
β£ bin/
β β www
β£ config/
β β£ aws-config.json
β β passport.js
β£ models/
β β£ hospital.js
β β£ medicine.js
β β£ patient.js
β β user.js
β£ public/
β£ routes/
β β£ _helper.js
β β£ admin.js
β β£ aws.js
β β£ common.js
β β£ doctor.js
β β£ image.js
β β£ lab.js
β β£ medicine.js
β β£ receptionist.js
β β user.js
β£ views/
β β£ error.jade
β β£ index.jade
β β layout.jade
β£ .dockerignore
β£ .env
β£ Dockerfile
β£ app.js
β£ package-lock.json
β£ package.json
β readme.txt
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
- node -
- mongodb -
- angular
$ npm install -g @angular/latest
- Clone the repo
$ git clone
- Install NPM packages in both
folder$ npm install
- add
file in backend folderPORT="3000" # specify express port HOST="" MONGO_URL="" # specify mongodb url SECRET="" # secret for passportjs EMAIL="" # gmail temp app email PASSWORD="" # gmail temp app password
- run
npm start
in both frontend and backend folders.
- go to App
login with any of these credentials:
<!-- for receptionistπ§π½βπ» role -->
password: ankit
<!-- for doctorπ¨π»ββοΈ role -->
password: ankit
password: ankit
<!-- for adminπ¨βπΌ role -->
password: ankit
<!-- for labπ©βπ¬ role -->
password: ankit
- Dashboard
For AiBoost.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Ankit Kaushal - @ankit55771 -
Project Link: