
Giving a score to README.md's everywhere

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Gives a complexity score for a README.

Check scores of any repo: http://clayallsopp.github.io/readme-score

Example score:

Repo Score
https://github.com/RolandasRazma/RRFPSBar 16
https://github.com/JRG-Developer/MediaRSSParser 35
https://github.com/ruslanskorb/RSDayFlow 35
https://github.com/samnung/AFHTTPFileUpdateOperation 31
https://github.com/schneiderandre/ASCFlatUIColor 65
https://github.com/daltoniam/BootstrapUIKit 60
https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking 95
https://github.com/tomersh/AppleGuice 85
https://github.com/kevindelord/DKHelper 25
https://github.com/saturngod/IAPHelper 75
https://github.com/alskipp/ASValueTrackingSlider 87
https://github.com/phranck/CNTreeNode 25
https://github.com/dasdom/DDHDynamicViewControllerTransitions 91
https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit 100


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'readme-score'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install readme-score


Pass in a URL:

url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking/master/README.md"
score = ReadmeScore.for(url)
# => 95

Pass in a Github Repo:

score = ReadmeScore.for("afnetworking/afnetworking")
# => 95

Pass in HTML:

html = "AFNetworking is a delightful networking library for iOS and Mac OS X...."
score = ReadmeScore.for(html)
# => 95



  • ReadmeScore.use_github_api = <boolean> - whether or not to use the Github API when loading a Github repo's readme. If false, will attempt to find the correct readme URL without the API (which could fail unexpectedly). Defaults to true

  • ReadmeScore.github_api_token = <token> - a token to use with the Github API. Supercedes the ENV variable.

Environment Variables

ENV Description
READMESCORE_GITHUB_TOKEN If scoring a Github repo, ReadmeScore will try to grab the canonical representation via the Github API. By default, unauthenticated requests are limited to 60/hour. Set this env variable to increase that limited to 5k/hour.