
This Project is based on Kaggle's Competition : Flower classification on TPU

About Challenge

  • Classify 104 different types of flowers image

Data Description

Images are provided in TFRecord format, a container format frequently used in Tensorflow to group data files for optimal training performace. Each file contains the id, label and image.

  • 12753 training images
  • 3712 validation images
  • 7382 unlabeled test images

Data is provided for resolutions:

  • (512 X 512 X 3)
  • (331 X 331 X 3)
  • (224 X 224 X 3)
  • (192 X 192 X 3)


Refer to Kaggle Notebook : here for the approach and implementation.


Model Score
MobilenetV2 0.93745
DenseNet201 0.96971
EfficientNetB7 0.95150
(0.62)*DenseNet201 + (1-0.62)*EfficientNetB7 0.97058


  • Input Data Pipeline:

    • tf.data pipeline with data augmentation
    • Added additional data
    • Data Augmentation done are:
      1. Spatial level Transforms:
        • Random flip left right, Random flip up down, Random crop
      2. Pixel level Transforms :
        • Random Saturation, Random Contrast, Adjust Gamma, Random Brightness
      3. Miscellaneous :
        • Transform Rotation, Transform Shift, Transform Shear, Transform Zoom
  • Model

    • BaseModel with input image size of 224 X 224 and Added GlobalAveragePooling layer
    • Transfer learning over several models out which DenseNet201 performed best
    • Ensemble Learning with 2 or more models
      • used DenseNet201 and EfficientnetB7 :
        • instead of one network, we train two and then combine their probability distributions.
  • Training parameters

    • Hyper-parameters : Image Size, Batch Size, Epochs, Learning rate, Types and Amount of Augmentation
    • used learning rate scheduling, for more stable training.
      • High initial learning rates can make loss explode. It is usually better linearly to increase learning rate from very small value over the first ~5 iterations.
        LR_START = 0.00001
        LR_MAX = 0.00005 * strategy.num_replicas_in_sync
    • optimizer = Adam
    • loss function = sparse_categorical_crossentropy
    • metrics = sparse_categorical_accuracy

Predictions on real images

marigold rose sunflower dahlia
1 rose sunflower dahlia

Extended my Work to build Android application for Flower classification

  • Converted trained model to TFLite Format
  • Did setup for Android App in Android studio
  • apk files are present here